The Tragically Hip played the Wonder Ballroom in Portland, Oregon on Tuesday Night. I have been to quite a few Hips shows and this one truly will go down as memorable.
I called the box office the morning of the show and they indicated it was a complete Hip Show, The Hip was to play from 8 until 9, take an intermission and play until 10:30.
Promptly at 8:00 Gordon Downie took the stage and rolled into a very loud opening set. The words were quite clear to those who were familiar to the Hip. To those who were not the music was simply too loud.
The Bikram Yoga Effect
I have seen shows at the Wonder Ball room before and tonight the weather outside was not particularly hot but the place was steaming literally. I honestly felt like I was in the Bikram Studio up on Fremont. I literally had that pure liquid sweat going on and my cloths were drenched. The crowd was a mass of smarmy , earthy sweat and it honestly added to the night for most of us. My wife had to go home. And there were drunk people falling down left and right.
"It could have been the heat it could have been the wine".
The Set List (A drunken Twitter text is included later)
I could look it up but the first set was pretty decent. it seemed like the new songs were a little less warmly received but I personally love the new release. Old favourites in the first set included Poets and the sparkling brand new Morning Moon. But what I remember from the first set was how truly hot this night was. I ventured outside during the intermission and I remembered it was a cool late spring evening. The people out side said it would be warmer for the second set. I did not believe them, but they were right.
I ventured in for the second set an the oppressive heat just nailed me. But the energy level in the second set was cranked up a bit. They opened the second set with two acoustic tunes. I believe it was Music at Work.
Drunken Twitter Set List from the Internets (With interpretations)
-GrDepressions suite (The Depression Suite)
-Poets -(This Rocked)
Don't wake daddy!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happyyyyyyyy (sic) about this!!!!!!
-In view
-Gift shop. Ps I love gordy
-Last Recluse
-Springtime in portland, baby! I'm too drunk for this!!!!!
-Morning Moon
-ABACT (Ahead By A Century)
-Love is a first
I'm gonna burstOMG He threw me a hankyyyyyyyyyyyyy and then I met negphil and now I can't control myself eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ps
Intermission to cool off
Thompson girl
Coffee girl
grace tooh (Grace Too)
Blow @ high dough. --Sorry canucks , not in order. Blackberry sucks.........
StruggleHoly f**k its hot in here
I believe the twitterer passed out at this point.
At one point during the show three Drunk Canadians (a double redundancy) unfurled a Canadian Flag blocking the views of another 30 drunk Canadians. Gordie did the chivalrous thing and took the flag. it was an amazing night of music and we were all in this together. Because as the new album title says, "We are the Same". And we do get it some of you are Canadian. Sweat rags and water bottles were thrown into the crowd and at the beginning of the second set the ceiling pipes stated to drip. (Well leak is not a strong enough word) it was now not only 102 degrees in the room but it was raining.
Sorry I did not come close to having a set list. I was just taking it in and enjoying the evening. As weird as it could have been it was tragically good. Even if I not Canadian. Sometimes I wonder about the Wonder BallRoom.