Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mad Cow Happy Salmon

Salmon Burgers

5 slice(s) fresh whole wheat bread
3 eggs
1 can(s) (16-oz.) salmon, drained
3/4 cup(s) celery, chopped
1/3 cup(s) green onions, chopped
2 tablespoon(s) vegetable oil
4 English muffins
Frozen fries, optional
Process 5 slices fresh whole wheat bread in the blender or food processor (you’ll get about 2 1/2 cups crumbs).
Beat 3 eggs in a large bowl. Add a 16-oz. can salmon (drained), the bread crumbs, 2/3 cup chopped celery and 1/3 cup chopped green onions.
Shape firmly into 4 patties. Warm 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat; add patties and fry about 10 minutes, or until browned, turning once.
Place each burger on a toasted English muffin. Garnish with your favorite fixings and make some frozen oven fries for a side dish

This vegetarian dish is healthy and delicious

By Quick & Simple Staff
1 can(s) (15- to 19-oz.) black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoon(s) mayonnaise
1/4 cup(s) (optional) chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon(s) plain dry bread crumbs
1/2 teaspoon(s) ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon(s) hot sauce
nonstick cooking spray
1 head(s) lettuce
8 slice(s) tomatoes
Four 4-inch whole wheat pitas
In large bowl, with fork, coarsely mash black beans, then mix with mayonnaise until almost smooth. Stir in cilantro, bread crumbs, cumin and hot sauce until combined.

With lightly floured hands, shape bean mixture into four 3-inch patties. Lightly spray both sides of each patty with nonstick cooking spray. Heat skillet over medium heat until hot. Add patties and cook until lightly browned, about 3 minutes per side, or until heated through.

Arrange lettuce leaves and tomato slices on warmed pitas; top with burgers and a dollop of mayo.
Savory Black-Bean Burgers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lost for Idiots

What about the other passengers? What did they die for? They died because of union rules and the director of the show showing some fiscal restraint. One died of a broken heart as the plane was going down he screamed I love you Freckles

What about the other passengers who never got a storyline after crashing with the main body of Oceanic 815 survivors? And what about those who never even made to the island, sucked into the atmosphere when the plane split apart? Life and Death are like that get over it...

Those were not issues raised when Kate, Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley met Jacob, face-to-face by a campfire that was consuming Jacob’s ashes as he offered to answer their questions. Understandably, they had their own immediate concerns, such as how they were going to continue to survive. At that moment, though, they also became stand-ins for viewers as Lost continued to deal with some of its long-standing questions.See Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. Food and Living tomorrow are a major concern. Kate, Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley are arguably the most popular characters on the show and if they were demoted to the menial job of tending the islands inner working  the finale would be anti climatic. Users in droves want to see Freckles naked and they are hoping that happens in next weeks climax. Sawyer parts his hair in the middle so his role is completely deserved. I am surprised Hurley has not become more buff over the years, but he has been proven to be crazy. He is fine where he is. Expect big things out of him on last next weeks show.

Why us? Your life was not going well. Jacob decides that. You were all in a jail cell together. My wife says it is race against time. She pays attention more than I do. 
Despite Sawyer’s protest that they had been plucked from a life that was going just fine, even he could not dispute Jacob’s counter that they were all carrying deep personal flaws and shortcomings. They were not taken from ideal settings; they were in effect rescued from different types of unhappy circumstances. Divorce does that to people. They needed something to do and smoke Monsters provide that. Personally once in a while life does serve us Lemons and when it does many of us hope for all expense paid trip to Hawaii.
Why was Kate’s name scratched off the list? Jacob explained that she became a mom (in adopting Aaron), with that degree of fulfillment changing her makeup. But she was still welcome. Jacob that passive aggressive person  has done this all his life. He could have been honest and said because you are hot. But no he did not.
Once again, Jacob stressed the importance of choice. Four candidates were gathered around, but he would not choose one. They would. Jacob that passive aggressive person that he is has done this all his life. He has a fire burning beside him and more importantly inside of him. There is a ton of firewood on the island but only an hour and 30 minutes of showtime left.
Kate asked a pivotal question: What if none of them agreed to step in and take over for Jacob in defending the island? What if they all said: Thanks, but no thanks. Believe me the last 90 minute show would have gone on. Its a moot point as the Island is going up in smoke. Like he has any chance of defending the Island against the Smoke Monster. Actually he does. Smoking will kill the Monster. TRUST ME. 

As has so often been the case with Lost, dire consequences were predicted. Not to worry, and not surprisingly, Jack stepped forward. He would be the protector. The healer. The guardian. The successor.
Simply trying to get laid. Nothing more nothing less. he has issues.

Also not surprisingly, apparently, from the first scene of the first episode of the series, Jack was the one who woke up closest to the spiritual, glowing heart of the island. And it was obvious from last nights episode he had no idea it even existed. None what so ever.

As Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer watched from a distance, a ceremony followed between Jacob and Jack. A cup of water “blessed” by Jacob in hand, Jack literally and symbolically drank the Kool-Aid of the island (in a ceremony still fresh from the previous episode’s handoff by “Eve” to Jacob). Kate Hurley and Sawyer were not watching from a distance, but that's a moot point. Water symbolizes God or a creators blood as well as a passing of Eternal life.  
Viewers were not shown every minute of the conversation with Jacob, but presumably there were many Lost mysteries not raised and answered. And, significantly, none of the explanations dealt with the “sideways world” because, apart from Desmond, none of them (in their island versions) are consciously aware of it. So much for characters as viewer surrogates probing all the series puzzles. We would not recognize a visitor from another planet and this metaphotr also holds true. it should be also noted that never once in this series has a person ever ever looked for their keys...Because they don't need keys. 

One of which is: Does Fake Locke know about the sideways world? He’s talking about using Desmond (described as Jacob’s “Fail Safe” backup) but does Locke know HOW Desmond would function that way?

NO- Not a clue

For the finale, we should be ready for twists that seem to “resolve” one issue but, in fact, open the door to an alternative. Last season’s opening image of Jacob was as one who weaves elaborate yarns. This one (including the selection of Jack as new island protector) may not be exactly what it is touted to be.
Really - and that goony girl in the goony glasses whom Lock (aka Smoking Monster) slit her throat is not really dead. Well I have nothing to refute that claim.

Fake Locke may think he has won, but behind that victory …In fact, all of the explanations shared by Fake Locke and Jacob are conspicuous in one way: their incomplete nature. They’ve shared what they need to share, not necessarily the whole story. As has the Lost team. The Fake Fake locke will end up being the real locke.Its a lock.

Negatively: the plane crash was the reality. All these experiences, including the sideways time shifts have also been there to inform and expand their spiritual and emotional experiences, allowing them to at last move to the next level. (Translation: Yeah, they’re dead.) Please see the movie waking life where brain activity can go on relatively forever, George Santayana's maxim: "Sanity is a madness put to good uses; waking life is a dream controlled.

Positively  They’re not dead, and this has not been quite a dream, but it has been a dreamlike alternate experience. Intense in its detail. Meant to inform and expand the spiritual and emotional experiences of the central passengers in what we’ve come to describe as the “sideways”/non-crash world. They are mostly all the better for it (Ben obviously still has island issues) and it may be that after a positive final event (perhaps the concert they’re attending or perhaps Locke’s surgery, or even his wedding) . Lockes whom Benjamin Linus and isn't Locke a smoke Monster by now.

The real question of the day is why is the show on from 1000 to 1130 and then followed up analysis on the the Jack Parr show.  And on a Sunday to boot.

The final scene of the show (remember I have seen 7 episodes) will feature Hurley Burly, Freckles and Sawyer enjoying a well deserved smoke and a beer as Locke wakes  up post surgery having removed the inner smoke Monster that has tormented him for years. Timbers will win 2-1.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Throwing Darts into the Cosmos or Vice Versa

The blind banality of nothing does not foreshadow awhole heck of a lot.

As May unfolds for the first
time in 50 years the everyday
is not all that exciting and it
needs to be. It really does

our little sushie eater
turns 15 this week end it
seemed like only yesterday but
there is evidence that
it was not yesterday
because yesterday
we had sushi celebrating
her turning 15
which is really this weekend

The smoke monster....Really I am lost.

Communications defined
Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication in order for the act of communication to occur. Communication requires that all parties have an area of communicative commonality.

Damn that sounds harder than it should. i guess the definition of communication is also difficult.

I dont know what IDK means...Does that make me stupid. I just don't know.

Convservatives and Tea Baggers are so god (NPI) damn mad at home sexuals and giving their money to the poor.

Too much money. "Wealthy Christian" should be an oxymoron. In Luke 12:33, Jesus says, "Sell your possessions and give to the poor." In Matthew 19:21, he says, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor." In Matthew 6:24, he says, "You cannot serve God and Money." Christians are generally pretty huge on cleaving to the word of God. I just don't see how those particular words could be clearer. (For more on this, see my post "Christians: No Fair Heeding Paul on Gays, But Not Jesus on Wealth.")

Back to communication and religion

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. it is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous. (So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise
Throwing Darts into the Cosmos or Vice Versa